Sunday, November 15, 2009

Long haul through Texas

Eight hours of driving today and we still are in Texas!  But it's a different Texas than when we left.  Shortly after heading out from Van Horn, the landscape changed notably.... from crags and rocks to soft, rounded hills.  We eventually encountered steeper, rocky mountains as we headed for El Paso but they were farther away, framing broad open plains and valleys.  The washes and draws were dry, only ghosts of moving water.  

The road again was straight and unpopulated except for trucks.  We set the cruise control and pointed east on I-10 (left).  We did encounter traffic in El Paso, but it didn't last long, and we found ourselves alone again with the trucks. 

As we neared San Antonio, the landscape again dramatically changed.  The fields shone green, leafy trees began to appear, and mountains were filled with green brush. There were streams and lakes visible from the road (right).   We began seeing more cattle, and later, horses.  I realized then as much as I like the dramatic landscapes of Arizona and New Mexico, I prefer living amid green scenery.

We will head for Houston tomorrow and eventually Louisiana.  Ever closer to home.

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