Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Home again

We're home!  Actually we arrived last night, 3 days early.  We drove through Alabama and passed into Florida before noon on Tuesday and decided to try to make it home.  The drive was relatively easy, even going through Tallahassee.  Once we were on the turnpike, I was familiar enough with the rest of the roads to manage the night-time driving.  We managed to miss any commuting traffic all the way, but had one holdup on the turnpike in Orlando.  A semi was burning on the side of the road.  We got to the spot fairly early and got past it in about 10 minutes.  News about the accident has been on TV today.

It was great to relax at home last night, leaving all the unpacking, laundering and sorting to today.  The sorting of souvenirs will take days, though (what to give the grandkids now and what to save for Christmas or birthdays), as will the uploading and sorting of photos. 

There wasn't much in the landscape that was unique yesterday except for Mobile Bay.  It is so wide and my husband tried to capture that.  There was also a battleship in port.

It will probably take me a week to get settled after this trip, only to start arranging my next trip.... to New York City on Dec. 3!

More about that another day.

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